Jan's Blog

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Candles in Italy

My friend Mary D. is traveling in Italy with her family. She emailed to tell me that she and Deb V. have been lighting candles and praying for me all over Italy. Mama mia, what some people won't do to have candles lit for them in Italy! :-) In all seriousness, I feel so blessed to have friends who pray for me even as they travel across the globe.

My next surgery is Tuesday, June 27th. Hope they don't remove a kidney or something important that I might need later. They will remove more lymph nodes. I was feeling like I had too many of those anyway. I pray that they are free of cancer and that their absence won't mess up my throw to first.

After that it's on to chemo. treatments. I can think of a couple of things I'd rather do than chemo. But, instead of dwelling on that, I decided to think of the good things about it. Although I'm bummed that I will lose my hair, I was glad that it wasn't my teeth. That'd be a drag wouldn't it? Plus, I have the option of changing my hair color on a daily basis! I'll also have a good excuse to wear my beloved cowboy hat a lot more. So far that's about the only good things I can think of, but I'll keep trying.

Thanks for all your continued prayers. I may joke around a lot, but not about how much your prayers mean to me. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends, family, neighbors, and church community lifting me in prayer and bringing me meals and "Joy for Janice" treats! A cancer survivor friend told me that when a person faces their own mortality they live a fuller life. I am slowly learning that she is right. God is working in my life in a whole new way. I have a peace that passes all understanding...only Jesus can do that.

By His Grace,


  • At Tue Jun 20, 08:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think we should all shave our heads in support of Janice!! :) We could be like a highschool b-ball team. Maybe we'd make the Cit Pat! I love you Janice...you are such an inspiration to me! Lena

  • At Tue Jun 20, 09:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Miss Janice...

    I too pray for you when I awake in the middle of the night (like Linda). One might as well look on the bright side when one awakes in the wee hours and make good use of that time. One can have the privilege of praying for a friend.
    OK, we will allow the cowboy hat, the the cowboy boots just have to stay in the closet, at least until Halloween!
    Love and blessings, miss Carla :)

  • At Tue Jun 20, 09:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After playing a double header last night with you and watching you make that incredible catch in left field - it just seems unreal that you are going through this whole ordeal. You are an amazingly strong person and you are an inspiration to your friends and family. I pray God's healing touch on your body and that He will continue to comfort you and your family. I will continue to pray for all of you. As I told you earlier - you are such a FIGHTER - and God gave you that fighting spirit for a reason. Keep your eyes on Jesus and your wonderful positive spirit!! Love you!! Your softball buddy, Julie

  • At Wed Jun 21, 03:03:00 PM, Blogger Janice said…

    Wow Bean...would you really shave your head for me?! Ha...ha... You are such a great friend and manager! Love ya, Janice

  • At Sun Jun 25, 03:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have been much in my prayers and on my heart since I learned of your diagnosis. I am especially praying for your three precious children though this time. I have so much loved each one...Jodie, Jamie, and Chase..as they were in four-year old Sunday School and whenever I see them in the halls of the church. Give them a hug for me today. Dan and I will be praying for you and your family as you face the next step with surgery this week and chemo. We love you!
    Diane Kurtz


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