Jan's Blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Prayer Request

It's been a long time since I've written, but believe it or not, life has been fairly uneventful for the past couple of weeks. I'm recovering well and have even been running again. I decided this week that rather than run every other day, I would run every day until the chemo starts next week. When I run I feel like I'm actually doing something to fight this cancer thing. It's definitely a battle and I want to be in tip-top shape so I can be the victor! (I know, I've always been a bit competitive.)

My prayer request is for protection from the strep throat that has just entered our home through our eldest...Jodie. She got it hard and is feeling pretty punky. We've got the antibiotics going, so she'll be perking up here in no time. But, I know the docs won't start chemo on me if I'm sick. Sure some may think that might be a relief. However, I'm at the point now where I just want to get this show on the road so I can get it over with. Plus, I've got plans...I'm teaching CORE 100 in the fall and we have our Cedar Bend date all scheduled.

I have learned from things like botched surgeries, that I can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is in control of it all and no matter what happens, I will trust in Him and His timing. But I also know that we can take every matter to Him in prayer and He will listen. So my prayer is that the rest of the family will remain healthy and my chemo will start next Thursday as planned. Yippee.

Here's a cool passage of scripture that I am working on memorizing. Want to memorize it with me? Pastor Mark read Psalm 91 to me while I was lying on the gurney waiting to go in to surgery (at least I think it was this scripture...uh, and I'm pretty sure it was Pastor Mark...I was medicated at the time. :-)

(I changed the "he's" to "she's".)

Psalm 91:9-16
If you make the Most High your dwelling -
even the Lord, who is my refuge -
then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For He will command His angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpant. (cancer)
"Because she loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue her;
I will protect her, for she acknowledges my name.
She will call upon me and I will answer her;
I will be with her in trouble,
I will deliver her and honor her.
With long life will I satisfy her
and show her my salvation."

Oh, and I've got to tell you something about this scripture. When I first started memorizing it I was saying, "and no disaster will come upon your tent." Then I looked closer and realized it said, "no disaster will come near your tent." That's even better! Not only will disaster not come upon my tent/house, but it won't even come near it. I'm glad the Holy Spirit pointed out my error because I wouldn't want to short change God's promise...I want the whole enchilada, and the great thing is, He wants it for me too! (And for you! :-)

With Joy and Victory,



  • At Fri Jul 28, 06:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so proud of you that words escape me now. What you and the Lord have worked out is nothing short of marvelous. Of course, we pray for you every day and not just at a prayer time, but continueally. God bless you, and I can't help but think how wonderful heaven will be when we all finally get there. dad

  • At Mon Jul 31, 01:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "You little clay pot you" as pastor Mark would say (Were you there Sunday?). What an awesome service! Look how God is being glorified in the midst of this thru you Janice! We are perplexed, but not in despair! Praise God! Love you, lena

  • At Mon Jul 31, 01:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Clay Pot?...II Corinthians Ch 4 for those of you who weren't in our church Sunday. :)

    P.S. Hi Bethany...praying for you too!

  • At Wed Aug 02, 06:02:00 AM, Blogger Kulio said…

    Janice -
    Is tomorrow still the big day? Hope you will be able to start knocking off those chemo days! What great news that your treatment is shortened - I love it when God surprises us with blessings we never even thought to ask for!
    Peace and Love,
    Heather Kulaga


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