Jan's Blog

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Falling Forward

I love fall, it's my favorite season. Have you noticed the leaves are beginning to turn color? Following the tradition of my own Dad, I have been annoyingly pointing out to my kids the change in color of the leaves since mid-August. I love the cool, crisp night air that allows us to sleep all bundled up with the window cracked open, and bonfires with marshmellows are the perfect way to spend a Friday night with the family. In about a week and a half I'll be able to truly relax and enjoy my favorite season without the anxiety of chemo hanging over my head. (No bald jokes please :-). But first, I must get through the next week and a half.

This past round of chemo was a doozy. I really felt awful. Not because of nausea, that was actually better because the doctor gave me something in my IV before we got started with the chemo. But, by Monday I was so weak and drained and.....I can't even explain it. Every breath seemed to take effort as I laid in bed and stared at the tv. I was feeling so sick and as I laid there I quoted the scripture I had memorized from Psalm 91. When I came to, "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone," I was thinking, "Lord, I'm pretty sure this would qualify as the foot striking the stone part, I need help." Perhaps the angels guarding me had stepped out for a frappacino.

Anyway, only one more treatment and I'm done. But, I sure could use your prayers because now that I've done this several times I know just what to expect and I am dreading it. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are the worst. I guess that's because the chemo cocktail has done it's job in attacking rapidly growing cells which includes cancer cells, but also good cells like red and white blood cells. I have discovered first hand that those blood cells are tremendously important and when they've diminished in number, one can feel pretty crummy to say the least. So I'm trying something different this week...I'm beefing up on beef...red meat...cow carcass....arrr...arrr...arrr.... Hopefully the added iron will give me the added boost I need to get me through. I'll let you know if it worked.

I am extremely thankful that I only feel really terrible for about 3-4 days, then things start to turn around and I can feel my strength coming back. Within a week I feel pretty good and can get back to a fairly normal routine, praise the Lord! As I write this I know that in about a week and a half I will be past the worst and putting this all behind me, looking ahead to good health, and "hold[ing] unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."! Heb. 10:23. I am also thankful that God's word is truth and that I can claim His promise in Psalm 30: 2-3 "O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. O Lord, you brought me up from the grave, you spared me from going down into the pit."

With Joy and Victory in Jesus,
